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Dental Fillings When and Why Fillings are Essential for Oral Health

Beyond Cavities: When and Why Fillings are Essential for Oral Health

When most people think of dental fillings, they often associate them with cavities. While it’s true that fillings are commonly used to treat cavities, their role in oral health extends far beyond just filling holes caused by tooth decay. Fillings play a crucial part in maintaining the integrity of your teeth, preventing further damage, and […]

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Dental Cavities Facts

Things to Know About Cavities: Unveiling the Truths and Myths

Cavities are one of the most common dental problems people face worldwide. Despite their prevalence, there are many misconceptions surrounding cavities. We will explore the essential things you need to know about cavities, unraveling the truths and debunking the myths to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of this dental concern. 1. Cavities Are Caused

Things to Know About Cavities: Unveiling the Truths and Myths Read More »

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